Made by Mama Jen

30 September 2006

YOU'VE been tagged!

Ok, so Steff decided to be funny and tag me with some questions. So, here goes:

1. 4 jobs you've had in your life- Cook at a resaurant called Little Big Men, babysitter for MULTIPLE people, and the military. Oh, and one time I worked for my aunt for one day doing inventory..... and I also used to be a flagger..... that's all, I think.
2. 4 movies you could watch over and over- Ever After, Donny Darko, ummmmm....Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, Super Troopers, Rat Race, I could go on and on!!!
3. 4 places you've lived- Montana, Wyoming, Texas, Mississippi, and Oklahoma are the only places I've lived!
4. 4 tv shows you love- Grey's Anatomy, LOST, CSI, Nip/Tuck
5. 4 places you've been on vacation- Vegas, Oregon, Washington, England
6. 4 movies you could watch over and over- You want more? Ok, how 'bout Saved, Napoleon Dynamite, The Waterboy, Dumb and Dumber (Not Dumberer, because it's dumberest!), Old School, and Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.
7. 4 websites you visit daily- Steff, Rockstar Mommy, June 2006 Bugs and Blossoms Playgroup, and MySpace
8. 4 of your favorite foods- Pizza (Duh!), ravioli, Wendy's Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe (minus onion, minus mayo!), and grapes
9. 4 (places) you would rather be right now- Montana, STEFANIE'S HOUSE!, Italy, or at a party!

Ok, so I guess I'm supposed to tag someone now. I'm tagging Becca, Katie, Katya (How sad is it that I actually had to CHECK my blog to see who reads it and posts comments!), Just an Average Girl, and Jen (Even though today was the first time you've commented!). RSM, I would TOTALLY tag you if I knew you read my site on any semblance of a regular basis! Hell! If you are reading this and actually want to ADMIT you are reading this, I TAG YOU! Oh, and Steff, you are SO totally tagged! Here're (The fuck? Is that a WORD?) my questions:

1. Who was the first person you ever kissed?
2. What is your favorite holiday, and why?
3. Who is the ONE person on Earth you wish you could kill without getting punished for it?
4. What are your hobbies?
5. What is the best book you've ever read?
6. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
7. Boxers or briefs?

Oh, and if you actually ANSWERED these, comment and let me know!!!

29 September 2006


I had a volunteer thing today for Habitat for Humanity and it was actually pretty fun.

I showed up at the first worksite this morning at around 0950 to find out that there really wasn't anything to do. They had WAY more volunteers than they needed, and we still had about 6 more coming. When everyone finally showed up, some of us volunteered to go to another job site across town. I didn't want to work at the first site anyway. They were putting up the siding and doing the actual construction. The one we went to was almost finished, so we did painting all day.

Please ignore my fat ass!

The people I was there with totally rawk. It's a bunch of people from work. Anyway, I just wanted to write a little update. I will do a better one tomorrow. But I will leave you with a couple other pictures:

Yeay, I know how to paint!
This is what I look like...

28 September 2006

Just to get you off my ass!

Ok, so I don't have enough time tonight to finish the post I started, so I'm just going to start a new one. The problem? I have NO idea what to talk about. I guess I can start with the sad attempt we are making at potty training D-Bo. Yeah, what a joke. K-Man is trying, he really is, but I think he's failing miserably. He'll take D-Bo's diaper off and set him on the little potty, and make him just sit there. He's only peed on there a few times, and he still fills up his diaper. I even bought this really cool potty that plays music when you pee in it.....or poop or put your hand in it, or if his little wee-wee (haha!) hangs a little too low....

Ok, I'm trying, I really am, but I have to go to sleep before I strangle someone. I am MAJORLY stressed the fuck out. And I don't think seeing the kids sleeping is going to help at all. I'll hopefully be able to continue a "normal" semblance of life tomorrow. Please bare with me! I love you guys!

I'm workin' on it!

Don't hurt me Steff!!! I'm working on the update, but I've been swamped at work!!! I promise it'll be up by tonight!!! :D

27 September 2006

I wanna be a fat ass!!!...

Ok, maybe not.

So K-Man and I started doing the South Beach Diet. I won't tell you my starting weight (unless you ABSOLUTELY feel like you need to know!), but I'll tell you that my goal weight is around 140-150 pounds. I'll just say, that's quite a bit of weight to lose. Anyway, so we started this diet, and so far, THIS SHIT SUCKS! For the first two or three weeks you cut out "bad carbs" which consists mainly of sugar! Just so you all know, sugar is one of the main staples of my daily life. I mean, COME ON! who REALLY gets withdrawals from SUGAR??? I feel like a crack addict! "Hey, hey man, I'll give you the best head EVER if you give me one of those Bon-Bons." The fuck? I feel like I should be attending meetings or some shit. Haha, wouldn't that be awesome, "Hi, my name's Jenna and I'm a sugarholic." Maybe not so much. But seriously, it's so bad I'm getting MIGRAINES! And the REALLY bad part? We've only been doing this for TWO DAYS! TWO GODDAMN, FUCKING DAYS!!! I am so screwed. I'm getting to the point where I wanna say fuck the world! I wanna be fat! If only the military would be ok with that. Why do people think skinny is better anyway? Who REALLY thinks it's cute when your skin is stretched across your ribs so tight it looks like when we used to put wax paper over a comb to make a kazoo. All tight and rippley (or ripply, is that a word even?) and transparent. thanks. Why can't we have the same mentality that they did in the 1800's? Chunky girls were considered beautiful, and really skinny women were actually UNATTRACTIVE!!! My fat ass would've been the hottest chick on EARTH!!! I don't know, maybe I'm just weird, but I think it's pretty fucked up that girls and women today are willing to stick their finger down their throat or starve themselves just to look like the people on TV. I, personally, love food TOO MUCH to give it up. I mean, some times food is better than SEX!!! What else can you say is better than sex.....besides cleaning your ears with q-tips.....or vibrators, which I guess those could TECHNICALLY be considered as having sex, but not really. You don't ever see "Better than Sex Video Games", or a "Better than Sex Football Game" (although some men may disagree there!). There's not many things besides sex that can get the "O" face out of a woman! Ok, I better stop :D But, like I was saying, food RAWKS. And speaking of, I'm gonna go eat!!! (Nothing like a soy protein cheeseburger in a whole wheat tortilla!)

22 September 2006

Might as well string me up by my toes now...

Ok, so I'm a bad blogger and haven't updated in a few days. (I'm slapping myself on the wrist so none of you need too!) I've been pretty braindead the last couple days, and I fear that if I had actually hit publish on any post I wrote, the IQ of my readers would have dropped around 15 points or so. Yeah, none of you want that now do ya?

So I decided that I'm going to be 100% politically incorrect today and talk about something so taboo, so horrifying, that I'm sure I will be blacklisted forevah! Now, you ask, what subject could be that terrible? And I answer you with: UGLY BABIES!!! I know, I know, "But all babies are BEAUTIFUL!" The fuck they are! I have seen some pretty fuggly babies in my life. For example:

OK, you can't really get mad at me for these, I mean, come on, they were on a site called

And this one popped up when I searched for "ugly baby".


But now, do you see what I'm talking about? The IDEA of a baby is beautiful, but that don't mean the kid is too! And I can hear it already, "Now, what if someone told you your baby was ugly?" If she was, I'd probably already KNOW it! I'm sure I would've had that thought run through my head, "GOTDAMN my kid's atrocious!", but I haven't, because my kids are cute! Who knows? Karma is a bitch, and my next baby may break mirrors and all, but for now I'm not worried about that. I KNOW I'm not the only person out there that has seen an ugly kid. I know lots of people have probably seen a baby that makes them want to gouge out their eyes, but most of those people would never admit it out loud. I'm definitely not one of the people, could ya tell? I don't know if I'd come right out and tell you, but you could probably tell from my expression. I've been really lucky lately, and all the babies I've seen have been really cute, like Aeris and Elena:

And of course, BabyGirl:

Ok, I guess I'll stop now before I start getting a bunch of hate mail calling me a baby hater or something. But, who knows, I may add more later!

19 September 2006

Other cute babies!

Here are all the babies BabyGirl is up against (they're all so CUTE!)

If you want to see them bigger, look at them in Flickr and on the right hand side click "See different sizes".

100 and TWO things!

Ok, so I decided to do one of these since Becca got the idea in my head. I'm hoping to come up with even FIFTY things, so we'll see how it goes:

1. Oh shit, I'm already stuck!
2. I grew up in Montana, and would like to live there when I retire.
3. That's not going to happen, because K-Man is a cityboy, and wants to live in a big town.
4. I LOVE mountains.
5. I also absolutely LOVE to snowboard.
6. I can't wait to get to Germany.
7. But I'm also disappointed that I will be leaving so many people I love behind.
8. I'm so excited that I'll be able to snowboard in the Alps!
9. I've always wanted to visit Tuscany, but I have no idea why.
11. I don't want to have to pay for passports for us to travel around Europe.
12. I really hope that Brielle wins the contest.
13. I want her to have something to brag about when she gets older.
Ok, this is headed more towards the secrets thing, I need to refocus!
14. I ran away from home when I was in high school, but wound up moving back in.
15. I finally moved out again my junior year and moved in with my aunt (BITCH!) and uncle.
16. I joined the military right after I graduated (grad. in May, joined in June.)
17. I dated a Navy guy in tech school that I wasn't supposed to date.
18. I had a MAJOR crush on one of my guy friends in tech school, but I never told him.
19. I started dating my husband less than a month after I got stationed at Tinker.
20. K-Man proposed to me in March of '04, but we never told anyone.
21. I got pregnant with D-Bo in April of '04.
22. BabyGirl was planned.
23. D-Bo was NOT.
24. I have siblings I've never met.
25. I have at least one niece I've never met.
26. I grew up with one of my brothers.
27. The first car I owned was a silver 1998 2-door Honda Civic. I loved that car.
28. I now drive a 2004 Chevy Malibu.
29. I love getting drunk with my friends, even though I hardly ever get the chance to do so.
30. The highlight of my work day is when I read and comment on RSM's blog.
32. I really wish I had more girlfriends to hang out with.
33. I NEED to lose 30 pounds, badly.
34. I used to have very bad body image issues.
35. I'm 5'10" and used to weight 145lbs, and I still thought I was fat, even though I looked almost like a stick. When I think about it, I don't know if I was anorexic or not. I don't remember not eatting, but I may be blocking it out.
36. I've never tried ANY drugs. Never, not even pot.
37. When I was 18 I was dating a 25 year old guy with a kid.
38. Since I got married, I've become very bitchy and I get angry easily. That never used to happen to me.
39. I HATE COCKROACHES!!! Those are pretty much the only bug I can't deal with. If I even SEE one I freak the fuck out.
40. I love to draw, and occasionally I do a pretty decent job of it.
41. I used to write poetry, but haven't written anything in years.
42. When I was younger, I started writing a book, but lost interest in it after the first few pages.
43. I used to want to be an interior designer.
44. I wish I had enough money to buy myself a whole new wardrobe, and lots and lots of adorable shoes.
45. I wish I could have surgery on my feet to make them smaller ( I wear anything from a size 10-11.)
46. The first thing I remember wanting to be when I grew up was a Blue Angels pilot.
47. My son is so frusterating sometimes I can't handle him and I want to lock myself away in some quiet room.
48. I wish I could meet all the BIFFs in real life. You all seem so awesome.
49. I really, really, REALLY miss Steff. :(
50. I want a dog, but I don't want the responsibility. Two kids is enough.
51. My birthday is November 17th.
52. My brother was born on Labor Day, and I find that strangely amusing.
53. I also find it strangely funny that he and I were both born at 9:58 am.
54. I've owned two guinea pigs in my life. The first was Tobee and he was short haired and my mom kept him when I moved, and the second was Meeko, and he got sick and died.
55. I really miss my dog, Smokey. She is in Montana with my parents.
56. I don't know my biological father. I was adopted and raised by my step-dad.
57. I have a crazy sense of humor, and get personal fulfillment from hearing other people laugh.
58. I wish I could write funnier things, so you guys would be more amused with my blog.
59. I love looking at my stats and seeing a lot of visits.
60. I also love when I get comments!
61. I wish more people liked me. I was never a "popular" kid in school, so I always felt a little left out, even though I had plenty of friends. I know, so shallow.
62. I have a very short attention span, especially when it comes to hobbies. I'm surprised I'm keeping up with this (even though I didn't there for a long time).
63. I have a wicked sweet tooth.
64. My favorite candy is Hot Tamales.
65. One of my neighbors growing up was a candy man. He was the guy who would stock the quarter candy dispensers. He used to give me free bags of candy.
66. I so hearted both the guy who lived across the street and the guy who lived across the alley from me. They are both the same age as me, and they were both SMOKIN' hot.
67. Once, when I was younger, I was talking to Derrick, the guy who lived across the alley, and I said "Screw you" to him, and he said back "Ask me again in 20 years". I ran home and wrote it in my diary and for years I secretly kept hoping that I would run into him 20 years later and that we would do naughty things. (K-Man, if you're reading this, I don't have those thoughts anymore!
68. A couple weeks ago I hit a squirrel with my car. It wasn't on purpose, but I was still really sad.
69. I've been in the Air Force for 3 1/2 years.
70. I developed allergies this year. I've never had them before in my life.
71. I hate having to constantly remind my boss to leave for her appointments so she'll be on time!
72. I love photography.
73. I own a Fujifilm FinePix S9000, but I don't know exactly how to use it. (Shame, shame!)
74. I really want an SLR camera, but don't want to shell out the money for one!
75. I could sit and "talk" to BabyGirl all day. I love when she smiles and makes all her cute little noises. I swear, she is the most talkative 2 1/2 month old baby I've ever seen!
76. I still can't believe how beautiful she is.
77. I've never broken a bone, not even a finger.
78. My favorite movie is Ever After. I own it on DVD AND VHS!!!
79. I won't drop my maiden name because I feel like if I do, I'll be losing my identity. (My last name is hyphenated.)
80. I wish I was a stay at home mom sometimes. I'd like to be able to hang out with my kids all the time and be able to take them to the park or into the front yard whenever I want.
81. I love flipflops. I wear them whenever I can, and I have multiple colors!
82. If I won the lottery I would pay off my house and the cars and buy said wardrobe, and then I would probably buy some frivilous, pointless shit, and the rest would go to savings.
83. I want more kids.
84. I love to fish. I wish I had more opportunities to do so.
85. I don't eat seafood. Except shrimp scampi (sometimes).
86. I also don't eat pork, and NO, it's not because I'm Muslim, it's because I just don't LIKE pork (bacon, ham, sausage, etc.)
87. I used to chew my nails REALLY bad (to the point of bleeding), but I finally quit, and now I'm back to doing it, just not nearly as bad. I haven't been able to grow them out to more than a centimeter or so in MONTHS! And it's driving me batty!
88. I am trained to work on computers. I was taught all the stuff about networking and computer components and trouble shooting, but since I haven't worked with any of it in almost 3 years, I've pretty much brain dumped it all.
89. My mom is my best friend.
90. Did I mention I miss Steff like crazy?
91. I have one tattoo. It's of the Scorpio symbol inside a little design on my upper back, in the middle.
92. I used to have my ear cartiledge pierced, but it closed up a couple years ago.
93. I so, so, SO want to get my tongue pierced.
94. When I was in the 9th grade, I got drunk one night and pierced my belly button. TWICE. Both in the wrong spot.
95. I was in choir all the way from 5th grade until I graduated.
96. When I was a senior, I played the lead roll in the town play. It was Treasure Island, and yes I played a boy, Jim Hawkins. I told everyone to call me Jimima (Like Aunt Jemima) Hawkins.
97. I LOVE the color pink.
98. I am shamelessly addicted to the show Project Runway. I have been since Season 2.
99. I also watch EVERY.SINGLE CSI on TV, and I also watch any rerun that comes on.
100. I also watch all the different Law and Orders on TV.

These are to make up for the Steff ones!

101. I love Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner. The smell is to die for.
102. I HATE, HATE, HATE when people pronounce Italian EYEtalian. Ok people, it is not fucking EYEtaly!!!

I hope you guys actually read that! But, you know, ANYONE who reads my blog is automatically AWESOME!

18 September 2006

Shitty Update.

So I figure I should write an update for today. Not much has gone on today. We submitted the picture for the contest today, and I think BabyGirl has a pretty good chance at winning. I'll try to take a picture of the contest board tomorrow.

As pathetic as it is, that's all I got. I promise to have a better update tomorrow!!!


(Holy shit, could I have said the word today more times???!)

17 September 2006

Cute Baby Contest

Ok, so we're entering BabyGirl into a Cute Baby Contest on base. I took a few pictures tonight, but can't decide which one I want to submit. If you could all comment on which on you like most in Flickr (or on here if you don't have a Flickr account, they are each numbered to make it easier), I would REALLY appreciate it. I have to have the picture submitted by the 19th, so if everyone could choose by about noon on Tuesday, that would be awesome! Thank you in advance for any votes!!!

I'm good!

Just wanted to let you all know that I'm doin' fine today. And no, I didn't get a hangover. I'm one of those lucky people who never gets hangovers, I've never had one. But, MOVING ON, I'm still contemplating whether I should delete that entry or not. On one hand it's so stupid it makes me laugh, but on the other hand it's a little disturbing, especially the spelling and such. Anyway, maybe I'll have something more interesting to talk about tomorrow.

Drunk Blogging

Ok, this may not be the smartest idea ef\ver, but thiis is my drunk blog. As youcan obciously tell by now, I'm not very good at typing drink, especially when K-Man is kissin on me and stuff. Anyway, (I don't feel like corecteing all that shit) we went to a party tonight, and I had a little bit to drink. Ok, maybe more than a little bit, but whos counting?? I haven't drank very much since i got preganat with my son, so that's over 2 years ago. I'm on my eighth smirnoff drinkthingy. Ok, so now i'm blind folded, so I can't see what I'm typing. Just forewarning for you. Noow why (moving on) is it that parties always seem to end in drama? The party we were at ended in me BEGGING my frind to nott drive home drunk, and his cuntty little girlfriend calling me a fuking bitch. Fucking bitch :) But, yeah, after that, it was kind of a modd killer. K-man and I left and went and got the kiddles. At this party we ate some food too. Ok, so how lame is this getting? Yeah, I'll probably delete this tomorrow. Oh, I had my bolunteer thing earlier. It was fun, except it was so FUCKIKNG HOT!!! I thought I was dointp die of dehyration! Ok, I guess i can stop makeing a fool out of myself now! Wiat, I wounder if this is what it would feel like to be blind. I'm rally glad I know where all the keys are, even though it may not seem like it right now. just remember, it's not my fault, blame the alcohol. Ok ladies and gents, I better go before K-Manstarts to get impatient!!! Lovve ya all! Hopefully I'll be able to write something coherant tommorrow!!!

15 September 2006


I told you I was eating peanuts:


You guys must be shy, because I've gotten 54 hits today, but only one two comments. :( Do I smell bad or something? You know, I LOVE comments. And I highly doubt that you will exceed my bandwidth. I don't have THAT many readers. You can talk about boobies or whatever you want!!! :D

Preoccupying myself...

Ok, so I really need to preoccupy myself so I stop commenting on RSM's site. If I don't, she'll probably ban me!!! = D But anyway, I have no idea what I should talk about. I'm normally pretty good about rambling and then maybe eventually stumbling upon something relevant. about my job? I am currently holding the position of secretary for my Commander. You wanna see what I do all day??? Here ya go:

RSM rawks!
(Notice what's on the screen???)

Doesn't it look like an awesome job? Ok, so maybe I don't actually sit around with my feet up, but I could, you don't know. If you haven't noticed yet, I tend to talk about a lot of worthless crap. It's just that I don't have anything better to do with my day! When I first started this job, I was SO BUSY! I always had something to do, but now? I've caught up on everything that was bogging me down at first, and I normally stay ahead of the rush, so I never have any work to do. Hence, the reason I sit on RSM all day. I can't believe I didn't start commenting on there earlier! I've met some awesome people. If you wanna meet some of them, go look in the link section. I have a few of them there.

So, my day tomorrow is REALLY full. I am doing a volunteer thing from 12:00 to 4:30 pm (I'm so not used to using civilian time, but I didn't know if you would all know what time I meant if I said 1200 to 1630), it's a mock deployment environment where kids get to go through the process and see how it works when their parents deploy. I love working with kids, so I really wanted to do this. Then tomorrow night, K-Man and I are going to my awesome friend Andy's birthday party. (NOTE: Andy, if you're reading this, YOU DIDN'T READ THIS!!! THE PARTY IS A SURPRISE!!!)

I'm gonna be totally bummed if BlogHERB is held when I can't come. Maybe if it's after we move, I'll have to set up a fund on here. It can be the "Send Jenna to BlogHERB!!!" fund. (That is, if you ladies WANT me there!) Why is it that I always meet such awesome people so close to when either I or they have to leave??? I met Steff in the beginning of '06 (can't remember if it was February or March) and they had to move in August *cry, cry, cry* Now I met all these awesome people on RSM, and we're moving in March. This sucks. That's definitely one of the downfalls of being in the military. But the upside? WE GET TO LIVE IN GERMANY!!! I'm really looking forward to being able to travel all over Europe. I've been to England once, but that was ages ago. And that trip was completely MISERABLE for me! I got picked on by my grandpa SO MUCH I was always either pissed or crying. I did get to see some cool stuff (Stonehedge, Bath, William Shakespeare house, etc.), but I almost think it wasn't worth it.

Ok, so am I totally lame for updating this more than once in a day? I feel like I have no life! I guess it's just the fact that I'm bored at work! Ok, maybe I'll think of something else later!


OMG! What in the HELL were they thinking. Not only did they bring ANGELA back, but Vincent, too? The hell? And my poor, beloved Kayne is gone. Boo hoo hoo. *Tear* I actually thought that Kayne's dress

was really cute! Does that mean I have bad fashion sense? But this,
on the other hand. Who really thinks that's cute?

But I guess he "got off" on it, so whatever. And Angela. What was UP with that collar crap she had on there?

She looks like a Victorian Reject! I am really rooting for Michael to win. He makes some AWESOME clothes!

So, moving on. RSM is back up. YEAY!!! I was going through withdrawals last night! But today she has a fund starting for a boob job. We were talking about it yesterday, and she actually started one! How awesome is that?

I don't know what is wrong with me, but I have the screwiest dreams. I SWEAR! Last night it was a dream about having a competition with K-Man to see who could find the most people who believe in god, and then getting mad at him because he thought I was cheating or something. I was actually so mad that I woke up and butted him. You know, when you lay in bed and throw your butt backwards into whoever else is in the bed. He thought he was gonna get a piece. HA! How wrong he was. I really felt like punching him! Damn dream emotions! Oh and I was dreaming about blogging, too. The fuck? Who REALLY dreams about BLOGGING??? So, if my ladies are reading this, all you blogging goddesses, I was thinking about you all last night ;) You know you're turned on. You're just so excited I dreamt about you. Really, you are.

*Update* Ok, so I totally didn't realize that Angela and Vincent got booted again. I thought they were back for good, or at least until they got kicked off for making another hidious outfit! I was, like, half asleep when I watched it the first time, so I made sure to watch it again last night.

14 September 2006


Ohmigod!!! We broke RSM's site!!! We're sorry we are on there so much, RSM!!! I'll donate some $$ to you to up the bandwidth if you want!!!

I heart you guys!

You guys rawk! You make me smile! There's nothing better than getting to work in the morning and waiting (not so) patiently for RSM to update, and then sitting here all day "chatting" with you! I heart you all!

Entry for my Ladies!

Well, I know it's been awhile, but I wanted to update before I gave all the blogging goddesses this address. So, here's a little introduction.

First off, I'm by no means an interesting person. How's that for an introduction? I'm a married, working mom of two, and am currently serving our country in the US Air Force.

Now for the kids:
My son, affectionately referred to as D-Bo (he likes to jack peoples jewelry) is almost two, and a total shithead. Ok, maybe not, well, most of the time, but I love him regardless. He loves to terrorize me and act like he doesn't hear me when I say things to him. Typical male. Anyway, he maybe a pain, but he can be sickeningly sweet when he wants. He knows that if he fucks up, all he's gotta do is blow me kisses and I'll forget what he did wrong, damn it.
My daughter, BabyGirl, is two and a half months old. She's pretty much still in that doesn't do shit stage. She does love to smile and "talk" a lot.

I love my kids SO MUCH. I think they are the reason I was born.

And the husband:
K-Man and I have been married since July of '04. He's also in the Air Force.

Ok, I guess that's all for the introduction. I hope at least a couple of you are still reading!