I wanna be a fat ass!!!...
Ok, maybe not.
So K-Man and I started doing the South Beach Diet. I won't tell you my starting weight (unless you ABSOLUTELY feel like you need to know!), but I'll tell you that my goal weight is around 140-150 pounds. I'll just say, that's quite a bit of weight to lose. Anyway, so we started this diet, and so far, THIS SHIT SUCKS! For the first two or three weeks you cut out "bad carbs" which consists mainly of sugar! Just so you all know, sugar is one of the main staples of my daily life. I mean, COME ON! who REALLY gets withdrawals from SUGAR??? I feel like a crack addict! "Hey, hey man, I'll give you the best head EVER if you give me one of those Bon-Bons." The fuck? I feel like I should be attending meetings or some shit. Haha, wouldn't that be awesome, "Hi, my name's Jenna and I'm a sugarholic." Maybe not so much. But seriously, it's so bad I'm getting MIGRAINES! And the REALLY bad part? We've only been doing this for TWO DAYS! TWO GODDAMN, FUCKING DAYS!!! I am so screwed. I'm getting to the point where I wanna say fuck the world! I wanna be fat! If only the military would be ok with that. Why do people think skinny is better anyway? Who REALLY thinks it's cute when your skin is stretched across your ribs so tight it looks like when we used to put wax paper over a comb to make a kazoo. All tight and rippley (or ripply, is that a word even?) and transparent. Ummmm...no thanks. Why can't we have the same mentality that they did in the 1800's? Chunky girls were considered beautiful, and really skinny women were actually UNATTRACTIVE!!! My fat ass would've been the hottest chick on EARTH!!! I don't know, maybe I'm just weird, but I think it's pretty fucked up that girls and women today are willing to stick their finger down their throat or starve themselves just to look like the people on TV. I, personally, love food TOO MUCH to give it up. I mean, some times food is better than SEX!!! What else can you say is better than sex.....besides cleaning your ears with q-tips.....or vibrators, which I guess those could TECHNICALLY be considered as having sex, but not really. You don't ever see "Better than Sex Video Games", or a "Better than Sex Football Game" (although some men may disagree there!). There's not many things besides sex that can get the "O" face out of a woman! Ok, I better stop :D But, like I was saying, food RAWKS. And speaking of, I'm gonna go eat!!! (Nothing like a soy protein cheeseburger in a whole wheat tortilla!)
So K-Man and I started doing the South Beach Diet. I won't tell you my starting weight (unless you ABSOLUTELY feel like you need to know!), but I'll tell you that my goal weight is around 140-150 pounds. I'll just say, that's quite a bit of weight to lose. Anyway, so we started this diet, and so far, THIS SHIT SUCKS! For the first two or three weeks you cut out "bad carbs" which consists mainly of sugar! Just so you all know, sugar is one of the main staples of my daily life. I mean, COME ON! who REALLY gets withdrawals from SUGAR??? I feel like a crack addict! "Hey, hey man, I'll give you the best head EVER if you give me one of those Bon-Bons." The fuck? I feel like I should be attending meetings or some shit. Haha, wouldn't that be awesome, "Hi, my name's Jenna and I'm a sugarholic." Maybe not so much. But seriously, it's so bad I'm getting MIGRAINES! And the REALLY bad part? We've only been doing this for TWO DAYS! TWO GODDAMN, FUCKING DAYS!!! I am so screwed. I'm getting to the point where I wanna say fuck the world! I wanna be fat! If only the military would be ok with that. Why do people think skinny is better anyway? Who REALLY thinks it's cute when your skin is stretched across your ribs so tight it looks like when we used to put wax paper over a comb to make a kazoo. All tight and rippley (or ripply, is that a word even?) and transparent. Ummmm...no thanks. Why can't we have the same mentality that they did in the 1800's? Chunky girls were considered beautiful, and really skinny women were actually UNATTRACTIVE!!! My fat ass would've been the hottest chick on EARTH!!! I don't know, maybe I'm just weird, but I think it's pretty fucked up that girls and women today are willing to stick their finger down their throat or starve themselves just to look like the people on TV. I, personally, love food TOO MUCH to give it up. I mean, some times food is better than SEX!!! What else can you say is better than sex.....besides cleaning your ears with q-tips.....or vibrators, which I guess those could TECHNICALLY be considered as having sex, but not really. You don't ever see "Better than Sex Video Games", or a "Better than Sex Football Game" (although some men may disagree there!). There's not many things besides sex that can get the "O" face out of a woman! Ok, I better stop :D But, like I was saying, food RAWKS. And speaking of, I'm gonna go eat!!! (Nothing like a soy protein cheeseburger in a whole wheat tortilla!)
First of all, well hello! :) Secondly, I thought I told yall about the South Beach Flu that only lasts a couple of days! It is just your body getting used to less sugar. It's fine! You will get better.
Third- did I read that you are eating a whole wheat tortilla? Because, girly... on phase one you can't have ANY grains at all.
Please come to me! I am a freak about this stuff and I have been on this site for a year now, and know a lot about this "diet".
Good luck! Don't give up dangit :p
Posted by
Anonymous |
9/27/2006 09:34:00 PM
I know it only lasts a couple days, but it still sucks while it's happening. And about the tortilla, the site we were reading said that these tortillas we got are ok in first phase. They are La Tortilla Factory Whole Wheat Low-Carb/Low-Fat Tortillas. I don't know. Anyway, if you wanna help me out I would appreciate it!
Posted by
Mama Jen |
9/27/2006 10:57:00 PM
I wrote the longest comment ever and blogger ate it.
Blogger need to go on southbeach.
Posted by
Kait |
9/28/2006 02:48:00 PM
OMG, Katya, you rawk.
Posted by
Mama Jen |
9/28/2006 04:18:00 PM
You know, that made me think of the time when you came over for Aidan's birthday party and everyone was done eating... but you and me, two pregnant hippos, were still sitting in the kitchen stuffing ourselves with all the leftovers ;p
Posted by
Anonymous |
9/29/2006 08:21:00 AM
Yup, the first time we met! Those were fun times! I MISS YOU!!! :( *tear*
Posted by
Mama Jen |
9/29/2006 05:59:00 PM
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