YOU'VE been tagged!
Ok, so Steff decided to be funny and tag me with some questions. So, here goes:
1. 4 jobs you've had in your life- Cook at a resaurant called Little Big Men, babysitter for MULTIPLE people, and the military. Oh, and one time I worked for my aunt for one day doing inventory..... and I also used to be a flagger..... that's all, I think.
2. 4 movies you could watch over and over- Ever After, Donny Darko, ummmmm....Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, Super Troopers, Rat Race, I could go on and on!!!
3. 4 places you've lived- Montana, Wyoming, Texas, Mississippi, and Oklahoma are the only places I've lived!
4. 4 tv shows you love- Grey's Anatomy, LOST, CSI, Nip/Tuck
5. 4 places you've been on vacation- Vegas, Oregon, Washington, England
6. 4 movies you could watch over and over- You want more? Ok, how 'bout Saved, Napoleon Dynamite, The Waterboy, Dumb and Dumber (Not Dumberer, because it's dumberest!), Old School, and Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.
7. 4 websites you visit daily- Steff, Rockstar Mommy, June 2006 Bugs and Blossoms Playgroup, and MySpace
8. 4 of your favorite foods- Pizza (Duh!), ravioli, Wendy's Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe (minus onion, minus mayo!), and grapes
9. 4 (places) you would rather be right now- Montana, STEFANIE'S HOUSE!, Italy, or at a party!
Ok, so I guess I'm supposed to tag someone now. I'm tagging Becca, Katie, Katya (How sad is it that I actually had to CHECK my blog to see who reads it and posts comments!), Just an Average Girl, and Jen (Even though today was the first time you've commented!). RSM, I would TOTALLY tag you if I knew you read my site on any semblance of a regular basis! Hell! If you are reading this and actually want to ADMIT you are reading this, I TAG YOU! Oh, and Steff, you are SO totally tagged! Here're (The fuck? Is that a WORD?) my questions:
1. Who was the first person you ever kissed?
2. What is your favorite holiday, and why?
3. Who is the ONE person on Earth you wish you could kill without getting punished for it?
4. What are your hobbies?
5. What is the best book you've ever read?
6. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
7. Boxers or briefs?
Oh, and if you actually ANSWERED these, comment and let me know!!!
1. 4 jobs you've had in your life- Cook at a resaurant called Little Big Men, babysitter for MULTIPLE people, and the military. Oh, and one time I worked for my aunt for one day doing inventory..... and I also used to be a flagger..... that's all, I think.
2. 4 movies you could watch over and over- Ever After, Donny Darko, ummmmm....Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, Super Troopers, Rat Race, I could go on and on!!!
3. 4 places you've lived- Montana, Wyoming, Texas, Mississippi, and Oklahoma are the only places I've lived!
4. 4 tv shows you love- Grey's Anatomy, LOST, CSI, Nip/Tuck
5. 4 places you've been on vacation- Vegas, Oregon, Washington, England
6. 4 movies you could watch over and over- You want more? Ok, how 'bout Saved, Napoleon Dynamite, The Waterboy, Dumb and Dumber (Not Dumberer, because it's dumberest!), Old School, and Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.
7. 4 websites you visit daily- Steff, Rockstar Mommy, June 2006 Bugs and Blossoms Playgroup, and MySpace
8. 4 of your favorite foods- Pizza (Duh!), ravioli, Wendy's Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe (minus onion, minus mayo!), and grapes
9. 4 (places) you would rather be right now- Montana, STEFANIE'S HOUSE!, Italy, or at a party!
Ok, so I guess I'm supposed to tag someone now. I'm tagging Becca, Katie, Katya (How sad is it that I actually had to CHECK my blog to see who reads it and posts comments!), Just an Average Girl, and Jen (Even though today was the first time you've commented!). RSM, I would TOTALLY tag you if I knew you read my site on any semblance of a regular basis! Hell! If you are reading this and actually want to ADMIT you are reading this, I TAG YOU! Oh, and Steff, you are SO totally tagged! Here're (The fuck? Is that a WORD?) my questions:
1. Who was the first person you ever kissed?
2. What is your favorite holiday, and why?
3. Who is the ONE person on Earth you wish you could kill without getting punished for it?
4. What are your hobbies?
5. What is the best book you've ever read?
6. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
7. Boxers or briefs?
Oh, and if you actually ANSWERED these, comment and let me know!!!
game on, girl. give me a day or two and check back.
Posted by
Girlplustwo |
10/01/2006 11:51:00 PM
I'll post up my answers to your questions pretty soon :)
Posted by
Kait |
10/02/2006 03:07:00 PM
I'll post up my answers to your questions pretty soon :)
Posted by
Kait |
10/02/2006 03:07:00 PM
done :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
10/03/2006 10:07:00 AM
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