Made by Mama Jen

30 October 2006

Let's migrate over, people!

Ok, so you guys are TOTALLY awesome, and this site got over 1,000 hits in a month. Yeah, didn't expect THAT! I heart you guys, but lets move it on over to the new site!!! PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE!

24 October 2006


I just wanted to request from all you lovely ladies and gentlemen that if you have me linked on your site (Blogroll, etc.) that you update the link. If you don't feel like doing that, I'm going to punch you in the just kidding, I'm going to work on some code to automatically redirect to the new site. Thanks bunches. Awww...I'm so lame...

23 October 2006

It's up!

The new blog is up and running, (not fast, but it's trying!) I'm still in the process of migrating this blog over to there, but hopefully I'll have it resolved today!

Here's the link:

Hope to see you all there!!!

22 October 2006


I know, guys, I'm such a slacker, but I'm trying REALLY hard to get the new site up and running (trying, but failing miserably). Not to mention that BabyGirl has seemed to developed a very annoying separation issue. I swear, if that girl isn't sleeping she starts crying as soon as I step out of her line of sight. It's seriously driving me nuts. But she's just too damn adorable to stay mad at. Oh well. I'm in the process of trying to figure out if I can migrate all the posts I already have here to the new site, or if I'm going to have to copy-paste them all. I'm also trying to figure out how the hell to work WordPress, but to no avail. You would think that I would know more about all this crap since I'm trained on computers and stuff, but I mainly know about networking and troubleshooting the actual computer. Oh well, I'll figure it out somehow. I'm working on making the site all inclusive, too. I'm bringing all the sites together, that way I can stop paying for the kids' sites. Ok, I'll write a little more later, I'm going to keep working on the site!

19 October 2006

New blog

The new blog is coming, it's currently being built. Once it's done it will be located at Hope to see you all there!

18 October 2006


Mother fucker. Jeffrey won. Jesus! HE WENT OVER THE BUDGET AND EVERYTHING! HE COULD'VE CHEATED ON THE SHORTS!!! That's it, I'm going to go drown myself in the toilet now.

I love my jacket, it makes me hug myself.

So is anyone else going BAT FUCKING CRAZY waiting for the Project Runway finale? I seriously think I'm going to lose it! I'm so excited I think I may pee on myself (ok, maybe not so much, but still, SO EXCITED!) PLUS, LOST is on tonight. Stellar, right? Haha, I just said stellar. Dude, man, I am so groovy. Tubular! Anyway, moving on. So do you think that Jeffrey "outsourced" (cheated goddamnit! If he did it he fucking CHEATED!) some of his sewing? Because, those leather pants were fucking hot, and we haven't seen quality like that out of him so far. If he did do it, how big of a fucking DUMB ASS is he? COME ON! You're in the FINALS! Why the fuck would you CHEAT!!!? Gaahhh! Anyway, I just wanted to get that off my chest. Can't wait for it to be 8!!! Yeay LOST!

What might have been (But I'm glad it's not!)

Reading Kristyn's (HAHA! Confused ya, didn't I?!) blog today brought up some old, kind of scary, memories.

Right before I shipped off to basic, I was dating this guy named Scott ("Skeevy Stoner" is his name if you ask K-Man). He was 25 and had a 3-year-old daughter with this CRAZY bitch who liked to talk a lot of shit. Anyway, my friend Kelsey introduced us, and at first, I didn't like him. He smoked, cigarettes and pot, and looked kind of old, and he was starting to bald (Wow, what WAS I thinking?). He just really "wasn't my type". Then we started hanging out a little more, and he was just a really nice guy. So a couple days went by and Kelsey and I started hanging out at his apartment (Kelsey's boyfriend also lived in the same apartment). It was kind of hard for me to be around them sometimes, because, come on, I'm shipping off to the military, and all you guys wanna do is puff the magic dragon? Seriously. But anytime they wanted to "partake", they would all go into one of the rooms and shut the door so I couldn't smell it. Ok, who really cares about all that. So we started dating in May, and I had to leave in June. The day I was leaving town, I stopped to say good-bye, and he BEGGED me to stay with him. He told me he didn't think he could handle not having me around. I did say good-bye, though, and left to Texas the next day.

After I got to basic, I would call Kelsey every once in awhile to see how everything was going. My first call to her was probably in July. She told me that Scott had started dating this really fat, ugly chick named Jennifer. She said that he had my pictures hanging up all over the place and that Fatty had to look at them ALL THE TIME. He wouldn't take them down, no matter how much she begged. Anyway, time went on and Scott and Jennifer moved in together. When I called Kelsey again, she told me that Scott had become addicted to crack and he was also selling it. I was regularly getting letters from my mom, and sometimes she would send newspaper clippings. One day she sent me the court report, asking if I knew some kids that vandalized the school, but when I read the rest of the reports I noticed a familiar name. Scott Landers. My ex. Apparently, he and Jennifer had gotten in a fight and he had pulled a gun on her. When the cops arrested him, they found a locked trunk in the back of his car full of guns and drugs. He was arrested and sent to prison. For the first time. After I read that, I called Kelsey to see what was going on. She told me that when I left, Scott lost it. He started doing drugs and dealing just to get by, and because he couldn't stand Jennifer (he was dating her because he needed a place to live, he'd been kicked out of his apartment.) When he got out of jail, he was clean and sober, and living with Kelsey (just staying there, she was still dating the same guy as before).

I don't know if this next part happened because of me or not. So I called Kelsey awhile later, and she told me about Scott living with her. She told him I was on the phone, and asked me if I wanted to talk to him. By this time I was already married to K-Man, so I didn't feel right talking to someone that still had so many feelings for me. I told her no, that I needed to get off the phone. After that it was only a couple weeks, and Kelsey called me. She told me that after I had talked to her that last time, Scott relapsed, and she had to kick him out. And then he got popped for dealing again, and went back to prison.

I have no idea where Scott is now, or if he's even still alive. I don't really think about him very often, but I do still have some pictures. What I do think about is his daughter, Savannah. Her mom was a druggy, too, and I hope that she is somewhere safe and warm.

Moral of the story - DON'T DO DRUGS

That is all.

17 October 2006

Code for Secha

Ok, this crap does NOT want to work for me. I'm trying to figure out what I can do to get it so you can still copy-paste it.

Ah, screw it. Try this website. It may be right, it may not!

I know you'll need to change the user, but I'm not sure if that's all. I tried to find where I got this, but can't seem to get to it from work. What is your Flickr account? (If you haven't set up a permenant Flickr address yet, it should be the numbers and letters that come after*This number*). I may be able to edit the code for you if you get me the number. If not, I'll try to find the right website! Hope that helps with that!

**Editted: Damn it, I have the code and it works and EVERYTHING, but I can't get it to post without actually converting it! I gotta figure SOMETHING out!

Three posts in one day??? Holy SHIT! Alert the media!

I posted it in my Flickr, but never did post it here. Here are the winners of the Cute Baby Contest:

Ok, so third place. REALLY adorable. I could just gobble her up! Second place, eah, not so much. Still KINDA cute, but not enough to take second place. And FIRST place??? Don't even get me started. Because, seriously, you're joking, right? Since when did a Cute Baby Contest become a Cute Outfit Contest, because that's the only thing cute about this picture.

Oh, and don't worry. I already KNOW you're all jealous of my mad Paint skills. your mother. Wait. What?

I was thinking that I need to add a bunch of random words so people will find my blog when they search the internet, because, seriously?, I don't think I have a whole lot of readers. And I just bought a domain and hosting for two fucking years. I'm not gonna have any reads for it if I don't get some "exposure", but only the good kind. So, does anyone have any suggestions for random things I should add in here so people find me?

Hell to the muthafuckin' nah! (Or something like that.)

Holy fuck people! I cannot BELIEVE the freaks who come out when people are talking about topics they (being the freaks) feel "strongly" about. Come the fuck ON! If you don't like what you are reading, THEN STOP! No one is forcing you sit there and read something that pisses you off. Like, for instance, if I was to "HYPOTHETICALLY" say, "I hate the game World of Warcraft, it's such a waste of time!*," you may want to comment and say something like, "OmG!!!!111111!!!!!11 how DARE u say sumthing like that about WoW!!!11!!! it is the gratest game ever invented!!!111 u stoopid bitch, i'm coming 2 ur house & i'm going to spraypaint ur livingroom."

Ok, so you like WoW! Great! Good for you! Just because I voice MY opinion on MY blog, doesn't mean you have the right to come out swinging! Sure you can say that you like it, sure you can justify yourself, BUT DON'T BE MS./MRS./MR. FUCKING HOLIER-THAN-THOU! Tell me what makes the game so good, tell me the graphics rock. WHATEVER! I'm more than willing to have a conversation about it if everyone acts fucking CIVIL. And make sure it's an appropriate subject to be debating! If I come on here and write that my grandmother just died of lung cancer, and yeah, maybe she WAS a smoker, it is NOT the time for you to make comments about how you think it's her own fault or that smoking kills more people than blah, blah, blah. I DON'T FUCKING CARE WHAT YOU THINK. MY GRANDMOTHER JUST DIED!!!** You are SUPPOSED to send your condolences, you are SUPPOSED to say sorry for your loss, and anyone who DOES do those things does NOT deserve to be called an ASS KISS!!! Just because you're a freak with no damn friends doesn't mean that NO ONE has friends. Yeah, NEWS FLASH, it's just YOUR sorry ass! I'm sure that most of you know what I'm talking about, but for those of you who don't, here it is. I'm also pretty sure most of you won't read all of those comments, but the summary of what I'm talking about is that there were a lot of people judging RSM for owning a pit bull, and allowing her children around it. One even went as far as to call her an "idiot". What, REALLY, is wrong with these people? Do they need some pills or something? A few shots of Jack, and MAYBE they'll be normal, civil human beings? She was talking about how they had to give their family pet away, and all some people could do was criticize her and cause DRAMA. I FUCKING HATE DRAMA!!! She definitely didn't need to be hearing about how someones friend's girlfriend's brother's childhood friend and his family were attacked and killed by their pit bull that it was their family pet for years and never hurt a fly, but one day went psycho and killed all six of them, including the Jehovah's Witness that just happened to be at the door. What the fuck people! How come EVERYONE seems to have a "friend" story, but no one can actually say it happened to THEM? I'll tell you something, when I was little, probably 9 or 10, I was attacked by a dog. And guess what??? It WASN'T a pit bull, or a rottweiler, OR a doberman! It was a fucking shaggy mutt that decided my thigh looked like prime rib! That fucker sunk in all it's teeth. I still have scars from it! Oh, and my uncle got bit by my mom's dog. And guess what! He's not a pit bull either! He's a little fucking yappy pomeranian/chihuahua mix! And that little bastard has razors for teeth. Granted, my uncle was totally egging him on, and deserved what he got 100%, there were plenty of times that dog snapped at me when I was just trying to give my mom a hug (fuckin' little attitude bastard!) Anyway, I just had to rant about the stupidity of some people and get that off my chest.

This has been a test of the emotional blogging system. If this had been a real emergency, you would've been instructed to put your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye. Thank you.

*I have NO PROBLEM with WoW, it was JUST AN EXAMPLE!!! Please don't hate me. :(
**Both my grandmothers are alive and well. Thanks for the concern!

16 October 2006


Alright people. Someone needs to help me here. I bought a domain, but I'm trying to host it through a different company than I bought it from (bought from, hosting through The hosting company is telling me that my domain isn't available (NO SHIT! I already OWN IT!!!) and it isn't sending me my password like the fuckers are supposed to. I'm seriously loosing my mind. I guess I'll go to bed soon and work on it tomorrow, but someone's gotta know how to work this shit. I'm a little exasperated. PLEASE HELP ME! I'm so dumb, I'm working towards my computer science degree, but I can't figure this shit out. BOO HOO HOO HOO HOO!!!!! :(

12 October 2006

Fuckin' guilty conscience!!!

Some times I can't STAND my ass! No, I don't mean my ASS, I mean myself. So, I'm driving back from Brielle's appointment today (whole 'nother bitch session in itself!) and I come the a stop light. There is this old guy on the corner panhandling. His sign says, "I'm 71 and an American...blah, blah, blah...". At first I didn't even think twice about him. My only real concern was that he was old and it was cold outside. But THEN the guy in the truck behind me slips him a dollar. So I start thinking to myself:
"Come on, Jenna, you can spare a dollar."
"You know I could, but I have two kids to take care of."
"Yeah, but what if he has kids?"
"If he has kids, they're old enough to take care of his ass! They could at least put his ass in a home!"
"He probably doesn't have kids."
"Yeah, you're probably right."

(Also thrown in there were a few thought about the fact that I have some coupons for a free chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-A and maybe he'd like a couple.)

Ok, so I may be SLIGHTLY crazy....but only a little! Anyway, the rest of the ride home I just kept thinking that I should've, at least, given him a dollar. DAMN MY GUILTY CONSCIENCE!!! I always feel bad if I don't go out of my way to help someone I could've. It goes so far as I was at the commisary and this older lady was trying to park her car, but couldn't get it straight. I was waiting to walk past her to go into the store and she just kind of looked at me so I mouthed, "Do you need some help?" And she gave me the biggest, most grateful looking smile. She got out of her car, and I SQUEEEEZED myself (seriously, I'm 5'10" and this lady was maybe, MAYBE 5'3") into the drives seat (I didn't want to move the seat) and parked her boat of a car for her. She gave me a big ol' smile and said how hard it is to park in the tiny spaces (mind you, this was a handcap spot :D ). She was so sweet. And then everytime she saw me inside, she'd stop and chat for a minute. I love doing stuff that makes people smile. Maybe that's why I'm always cracking jokes. Either that or I have nothing intellectual or relevent to contribute. But whatever.

I have to finish this up, but I just found out we're having unexpected company so I have to go home and straighten up the house! Hopefully I'll get a minute tonight!

10 October 2006


As you can probably tell, I'm a tool and took the long weekend off. What can I say? I'm not very interesting. Oh, but I did want to say that we got our new dishwasher, and I even installed it! (K-Man might've helped, but only just a little!) I don't know what the hell is wrong with our water turn off valve thingy, but no matter what we did, the water would NOT shut all the way off! It was driving me fucking BATTY! You could've swam in the water that accumulated where the dishwasher is supposed to go. But anyway, I feel all proud of myself and stuff. Oh, and, AND I rearranged the livingrooms. I moved everything from the little livingroom into the big livingroom, and the little one is getting turned into a playroom for the kids. I don't know why we didn't do this earlier. The big livingroom has been sitting there, wasting away for a year now. Hmmmmm.....what else can I ramble on about? OH! Does anyone watch Heroes? That show rawks. The ending has me all anxious for next week. I mean, COME ON!, they had her chest all opened and flayed and stuff. It was awesome.

Am I the only lamo who didn't watch the whole Project Runway Reunion Special thing? I was seriously bored out of my skull watching it, so I let K-Man watch something else (football, some stupid show, who knows?). I just want them to get to the finale already! I'm really rooting for Michael. Oh, and Jeffrey, you token jackass, you. (Have you noticed that? I know you have! Every show has to have the jackass that you just LOVE to hate!) I hope you're one of the final two, because WHAT ELSE would be funnier than to see you AUF'd last? Then Michael can say, "SUCK IT, JEFF! Even though I'm STRAIGHT!".....Do you REALLY think Michael is straight? He has some homo-y tendancies. Maybe I'm just hallucinating. What else is there? OH! Tonight I'm going to FINALLY add the winners of that cute baby contest (no, BabyGirl didn't win, but that's ok, I know she's cuter than the winner!) I'm thinking that the winner and runner up had ALL their family and friends go down and vote, so since we have no family around here, we didn't really stand a chance.

Anyway, I am SO looking forward to the holidays (well, besides the whole thing about being REALLY close to moving). We'll be going to Illinois for Christmas, which, I'm not really looking forward to. I know it's totally bad, but I feel like SUCH an outsider around K-Man's family. What do you expect when I'm the only white person in the room??? It's kind of hard to sit there and know that some of his family hates the fact that he married me. How dare he marry outside of his race. The nerve. But still, I'm pretty sure he won't be the most comfortable person in the world when we go to Montana and he'll be one of the only black people in probably the whole city (though I use the word "city" loosely (only around 10,000 people)). But it's different when it's your actually FAMILY doing the judging. Yes my granny or my uncle may not like the idea, but, BUT they've never actually VOICED their opinion. Some of his family members have actually TOLD my mother-in-law that they were pissed at him. I guess I should just be grateful that we get along with eachothers parents really well. I have to keep in mind that it could always be worse. He could have the mother from hell, (eg: Monster-in-Law). But luckily, he doesn't. Debbie and I get along surprisingly well, and K-Man does the same with my parents. He even calls them "Mom and Dad". I have this thing about calling someone else's mom Mom. When I was in high school, I called my friends' moms Mom, but that was different. Now, I don't want to call anyone else mom, because my mom EARNED it! She put up with all the hell I gave her and didn't KILL ME!

My list of offenses:
Sneaking out of my window and going to a kegger
Sneaking out of my window and going to my boyfriends house
Moving out. Twice.
Name calling and saying hateful things (I know, BAD JENNA!)
Breaking the rules (i.e. having people in the house when I wasn't supposed to, eating her stuff (hehe), things of that nature)
Dating a guy who was WAY to old for me (like, I was 15, he was 23.)
Having sex (bumm, bumm, BUMMMMMMM!!!)
Numerous, NUMEROUS other things I just can't think of right now.

I guess I did her well when I joined the military. Ok, so maybe not so well when I was in tech school. I did a LOT of spending. And sometimes? Spending of money I didn't have. She bailed my ass out LOTS of times after I'd overdrawn my account. It got to the point where she was so mad at me she wrote me letters bitching me out, and then I'd refuse to call her for weeks at a time. Yes, we had some rough patches, but I think those just make you realize HOW MUCH you really love eachother. Either that or how much you can't STAND eachother :) Well, I guess this will be all for now. I just wanted to give you a relative long update since I've been bad about it the last few days. PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!!!

04 October 2006

Holy SHIT!

                     D-Bo                                                               BabyGirl


(You have to say the title really fast, without taking a break or a breath.)

I AM FREAKING THE FUCK OUT!!! This is SO not cool. K-Man just told me that instead of coming home in February, like he was SUPPOSED to be doing, he'll be home on the 7th of March, (he is going to retraining school, and is leaving on the 18th of this month). This shit is totally fucked up, because he won't be home until the 7th, we're going on leave around the 14th or so, and we're leaving for Germany on the 28th. How the FUCK am I supposed to do everything by myself with two small kids??? Not only do I have to pack all our bags and anything we don't want broken, (our house gets packed by TMO, which SHOULD stand for "The Motherfuckin' Obliterators" because, seriously, if it's CAPABLE of being broken, it will be), and clean the entire house, and possibly sell a CAR, I have to SELL.A.MUTHAFUCKIN.HOUSE!!! All of this, while STILL caring for my kids and working 40+ hours a week. Someone kill me now? PLEASE!!! Any of you who filled out the questions I asked, put ME as the person you wish you could murder! Just make sure my kids either get to Steff or my mom. That's all I ask!!! But seriously, when K-Man told me the news earlier, I couldn't even stop myself, I just started crying. At work. At my desk. Which is RIGHT in front of the Commander's door. Thankfully no one saw me, except the Shirt. If you're in the military, or married to military, you know what I'm talking about, but if you're not, the Shirt is the First Sergeant. He's the one that works for the troops. He makes sure everyone is doing ok, and if you get in trouble, you deal with him (or her). I told him what was going on, and he told me, "Whatever you lean on your husband for, while he's gone, lean on me." He's awesome. He really is concerned about how everyone is doing. I think I'm going to start packing clothes and stuff, just to get a head start, but there really isn't much I can do. Anything I pack may be a waste. TMO can refuse to take responsibility for anything they didn't pack themselves. Whatever, fuck 'um. They can do all the work they want.

I'm sorry guys, I'm such a downer. :( Hopefully I'll be able to write something cheerful tomorrow!

03 October 2006

More pictures.

I just remembered that I have a Yahoo! Photos account. I wanted to give you all the link to it just in case you wanted to see them. I'll also add it to my links. There are mostly pictures of D-Bo when he was little.


Steff- There are A LOT of pictures here you've never seen. Most of them aren't on D-Bo's site.

02 October 2006

Fuck this.

I'm never reading or watching the news again. I quit.

We're all going to hell...

WHAT.THE.FUCK is the world coming to? Seriously. Three school shootings in a WEEK??? COME ON! Do we not have enough to worry about already? Why would you want to cause MORE problems than we already have??? You don't think there are enough people dying in Iraq and Afganistan? Now you want to wage war in our own COUNTRY??? The latest shooting happened in an Amish community. AN AMISH COMMUNITY!!! They don't even have ELECTRICITY! They were in a ONE ROOM SCHOOL!!! Twenty-seven fucking students in the school. Then, THEN he lets the boys go and ties up and shoots three girls, execution style. THESE GIRLS WERE AGES 6-13!!! WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY EVER DO TO THIS FREAK????? Charles Carl Roberts IV, I hope you burn in hell you bitch-ass dirtbag. You will be cursed with being ass-raped for eternity and I hope the devil bites off your dick and burns your balls with cigarette butts. Who cares if you were pissed off about something that happened 20 years ago? The world would've been better if you had just killed yourself then and there! And to you other two douche bags. One of you is 15 years old. FIFETEEN FUCKING YEARS OLD!!! And WHY did you kill your principal? Because you got in trouble for having tobacco on you and bullying kids. Yeah, those are some REALLY good reasons. If I killed someone for everything I got in trouble for, the world would be short A LOT of people. Holy fuck. I am just baffled right now.

01 October 2006

In case you were wondering.

I don't know if any of you have wondered why I don't use hubby or the kids' real names, but I figured I tell you anyway. About a year ago, I got into some shit with a friend of mine about one of her (ex) husband's baby mama's. One of them was causing major drama, and the fact that I stood up for my friend automatically made me public enemy number two. It got really bad, to the point of stalkerism (just WORK with me here!). They started checking on my friend's and my kids constantly. I mean everyday, multiple TIMES a day. I know that if I put the kids' name's on here, they would be able to find this on a Google search, and I don't need that kind of shit from them. I haven't heard any shit lately, and I'd kind of like to keep it that way. I mean, if they are so concerned with my business that they can find my MySpace page and then message me, they would definitely find this page. My kids' name's are pretty rare/distinct, so a search would definitely turn this page up. So, I'm going to do what I saw someone else do (RSM!) and just put a picture. It's not as good as RSM's, but it'll work for now!!!