In case you were wondering.
I don't know if any of you have wondered why I don't use hubby or the kids' real names, but I figured I tell you anyway. About a year ago, I got into some shit with a friend of mine about one of her (ex) husband's baby mama's. One of them was causing major drama, and the fact that I stood up for my friend automatically made me public enemy number two. It got really bad, to the point of stalkerism (just WORK with me here!). They started checking on my friend's and my kids constantly. I mean everyday, multiple TIMES a day. I know that if I put the kids' name's on here, they would be able to find this on a Google search, and I don't need that kind of shit from them. I haven't heard any shit lately, and I'd kind of like to keep it that way. I mean, if they are so concerned with my business that they can find my MySpace page and then message me, they would definitely find this page. My kids' name's are pretty rare/distinct, so a search would definitely turn this page up. So, I'm going to do what I saw someone else do (RSM!) and just put a picture. It's not as good as RSM's, but it'll work for now!!!

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