We're all going to hell...
WHAT.THE.FUCK is the world coming to? Seriously. Three school shootings in a WEEK??? COME ON! Do we not have enough to worry about already? Why would you want to cause MORE problems than we already have??? You don't think there are enough people dying in Iraq and Afganistan? Now you want to wage war in our own COUNTRY??? The latest shooting happened in an Amish community. AN AMISH COMMUNITY!!! They don't even have ELECTRICITY! They were in a ONE ROOM SCHOOL!!! Twenty-seven fucking students in the school. Then, THEN he lets the boys go and ties up and shoots three girls, execution style. THESE GIRLS WERE AGES 6-13!!! WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY EVER DO TO THIS FREAK????? Charles Carl Roberts IV, I hope you burn in hell you bitch-ass dirtbag. You will be cursed with being ass-raped for eternity and I hope the devil bites off your dick and burns your balls with cigarette butts. Who cares if you were pissed off about something that happened 20 years ago? The world would've been better if you had just killed yourself then and there! And to you other two douche bags. One of you is 15 years old. FIFETEEN FUCKING YEARS OLD!!! And WHY did you kill your principal? Because you got in trouble for having tobacco on you and bullying kids. Yeah, those are some REALLY good reasons. If I killed someone for everything I got in trouble for, the world would be short A LOT of people. Holy fuck. I am just baffled right now.
This is completely sick. It freaks me out. I was gonna sign up my son in preschool, and couldn't believe that I was thinking how dangerous it is. School is not supposed to be dangerous! Something is seriously wrong with humanity...
Posted by
vasilisa |
10/02/2006 07:23:00 PM
I'm going to homeschool my kids! I'll homeschool your's too, we just make one happy home-school, how 'bout that :D
I hate people! I just want to go and live with animals (but I love youuu!!) lol
Posted by
Anonymous |
10/02/2006 10:48:00 PM
I'm dreading the time that my kids have to start school. At least we will be in Germany. It's not so bad over there, is it Steff??? Nevermind, I'll just leave them here and you can give dem a good edukachun. Jes like dey momma gots.
Posted by
Mama Jen |
10/03/2006 12:30:00 PM
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