As you can probably tell, I'm a tool and took the long weekend off. What can I say? I'm not very interesting. Oh, but I did want to say that we got our new dishwasher, and I even installed it! (K-Man might've helped, but only just a little!) I don't know what the hell is wrong with our water turn off valve thingy, but no matter what we did, the water would NOT shut all the way off! It was driving me fucking BATTY! You could've swam in the water that accumulated where the dishwasher is supposed to go. But anyway, I feel all proud of myself and stuff. Oh, and, AND I rearranged the livingrooms. I moved everything from the little livingroom into the big livingroom, and the little one is getting turned into a playroom for the kids. I don't know why we didn't do this earlier. The big livingroom has been sitting there, wasting away for a year now. Hmmmmm.....what else can I ramble on about? OH! Does anyone watch Heroes? That show rawks. The ending has me all anxious for next week. I mean, COME ON!, they had her chest all opened and flayed and stuff. It was awesome.
Am I the only lamo who didn't watch the whole Project Runway Reunion Special thing? I was seriously bored out of my skull watching it, so I let K-Man watch something else (football, some stupid show, who knows?). I just want them to get to the finale already! I'm really rooting for Michael. Oh, and Jeffrey, you token jackass, you. (Have you noticed that? I know you have! Every show has to have the jackass that you just LOVE to hate!) I hope you're one of the final two, because WHAT ELSE would be funnier than to see you AUF'd last? Then Michael can say, "SUCK IT, JEFF! Even though I'm STRAIGHT!".....Do you REALLY think Michael is straight? He has some homo-y tendancies. Maybe I'm just hallucinating. What else is there? OH! Tonight I'm going to FINALLY add the winners of that cute baby contest (no, BabyGirl didn't win, but that's ok, I know she's cuter than the winner!) I'm thinking that the winner and runner up had ALL their family and friends go down and vote, so since we have no family around here, we didn't really stand a chance.
Anyway, I am SO looking forward to the holidays (well, besides the whole thing about being REALLY close to moving). We'll be going to Illinois for Christmas, which, I'm not really looking forward to. I know it's totally bad, but I feel like SUCH an outsider around K-Man's family. What do you expect when I'm the only white person in the room??? It's kind of hard to sit there and know that some of his family hates the fact that he married me. How dare he marry outside of his race. The nerve. But still, I'm pretty sure he won't be the most comfortable person in the world when we go to Montana and he'll be one of the only black people in probably the whole city (though I use the word "city" loosely (only around 10,000 people)). But it's different when it's your actually FAMILY doing the judging. Yes my granny or my uncle may not like the idea, but, BUT they've never actually VOICED their opinion. Some of his family members have actually TOLD my mother-in-law that they were pissed at him. I guess I should just be grateful that we get along with eachothers parents really well. I have to keep in mind that it could always be worse. He could have the mother from hell, (eg: Monster-in-Law). But luckily, he doesn't. Debbie and I get along surprisingly well, and K-Man does the same with my parents. He even calls them "Mom and Dad". I have this thing about calling someone else's mom Mom. When I was in high school, I called my friends' moms Mom, but that was different. Now, I don't want to call anyone else mom, because my mom EARNED it! She put up with all the hell I gave her and didn't KILL ME!
My list of offenses:
Sneaking out of my window and going to a kegger
Sneaking out of my window and going to my boyfriends house
Moving out. Twice.
Name calling and saying hateful things (I know, BAD JENNA!)
Breaking the rules (i.e. having people in the house when I wasn't supposed to, eating her stuff (hehe), things of that nature)
Dating a guy who was WAY to old for me (like, I was 15, he was 23.)
Having sex (bumm, bumm, BUMMMMMMM!!!)
Numerous, NUMEROUS other things I just can't think of right now.
I guess I did her well when I joined the military. Ok, so maybe not so well when I was in tech school. I did a LOT of spending. And sometimes? Spending of money I didn't have. She bailed my ass out LOTS of times after I'd overdrawn my account. It got to the point where she was so mad at me she wrote me letters bitching me out, and then I'd refuse to call her for weeks at a time. Yes, we had some rough patches, but I think those just make you realize HOW MUCH you really love eachother. Either that or how much you can't STAND eachother :) Well, I guess this will be all for now. I just wanted to give you a relative long update since I've been bad about it the last few days. PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!!!
Am I the only lamo who didn't watch the whole Project Runway Reunion Special thing? I was seriously bored out of my skull watching it, so I let K-Man watch something else (football, some stupid show, who knows?). I just want them to get to the finale already! I'm really rooting for Michael. Oh, and Jeffrey, you token jackass, you. (Have you noticed that? I know you have! Every show has to have the jackass that you just LOVE to hate!) I hope you're one of the final two, because WHAT ELSE would be funnier than to see you AUF'd last? Then Michael can say, "SUCK IT, JEFF! Even though I'm STRAIGHT!".....Do you REALLY think Michael is straight? He has some homo-y tendancies. Maybe I'm just hallucinating. What else is there? OH! Tonight I'm going to FINALLY add the winners of that cute baby contest (no, BabyGirl didn't win, but that's ok, I know she's cuter than the winner!) I'm thinking that the winner and runner up had ALL their family and friends go down and vote, so since we have no family around here, we didn't really stand a chance.
Anyway, I am SO looking forward to the holidays (well, besides the whole thing about being REALLY close to moving). We'll be going to Illinois for Christmas, which, I'm not really looking forward to. I know it's totally bad, but I feel like SUCH an outsider around K-Man's family. What do you expect when I'm the only white person in the room??? It's kind of hard to sit there and know that some of his family hates the fact that he married me. How dare he marry outside of his race. The nerve. But still, I'm pretty sure he won't be the most comfortable person in the world when we go to Montana and he'll be one of the only black people in probably the whole city (though I use the word "city" loosely (only around 10,000 people)). But it's different when it's your actually FAMILY doing the judging. Yes my granny or my uncle may not like the idea, but, BUT they've never actually VOICED their opinion. Some of his family members have actually TOLD my mother-in-law that they were pissed at him. I guess I should just be grateful that we get along with eachothers parents really well. I have to keep in mind that it could always be worse. He could have the mother from hell, (eg: Monster-in-Law). But luckily, he doesn't. Debbie and I get along surprisingly well, and K-Man does the same with my parents. He even calls them "Mom and Dad". I have this thing about calling someone else's mom Mom. When I was in high school, I called my friends' moms Mom, but that was different. Now, I don't want to call anyone else mom, because my mom EARNED it! She put up with all the hell I gave her and didn't KILL ME!
My list of offenses:
Sneaking out of my window and going to a kegger
Sneaking out of my window and going to my boyfriends house
Moving out. Twice.
Name calling and saying hateful things (I know, BAD JENNA!)
Breaking the rules (i.e. having people in the house when I wasn't supposed to, eating her stuff (hehe), things of that nature)
Dating a guy who was WAY to old for me (like, I was 15, he was 23.)
Having sex (bumm, bumm, BUMMMMMMM!!!)
Numerous, NUMEROUS other things I just can't think of right now.
I guess I did her well when I joined the military. Ok, so maybe not so well when I was in tech school. I did a LOT of spending. And sometimes? Spending of money I didn't have. She bailed my ass out LOTS of times after I'd overdrawn my account. It got to the point where she was so mad at me she wrote me letters bitching me out, and then I'd refuse to call her for weeks at a time. Yes, we had some rough patches, but I think those just make you realize HOW MUCH you really love eachother. Either that or how much you can't STAND eachother :) Well, I guess this will be all for now. I just wanted to give you a relative long update since I've been bad about it the last few days. PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!!!
I like the picture of the pretty sunset! It looks so... pretty! :D
So, where are those ugly kids that scored over Babygirl? Well, actually I've seen them already and I continue throwing darts at the pictures muahahaha... I'm so mean :p
Posted by
Anonymous |
10/10/2006 08:39:00 PM
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