Hell to the muthafuckin' nah! (Or something like that.)
Holy fuck people! I cannot BELIEVE the freaks who come out when people are talking about topics they (being the freaks) feel "strongly" about. Come the fuck ON! If you don't like what you are reading, THEN STOP! No one is forcing you sit there and read something that pisses you off. Like, for instance, if I was to "HYPOTHETICALLY" say, "I hate the game World of Warcraft, it's such a waste of time!*," you may want to comment and say something like, "OmG!!!!111111!!!!!11 how DARE u say sumthing like that about WoW!!!11!!! it is the gratest game ever invented!!!111 u stoopid bitch, i'm coming 2 ur house & i'm going to spraypaint ur livingroom."
Ok, so you like WoW! Great! Good for you! Just because I voice MY opinion on MY blog, doesn't mean you have the right to come out swinging! Sure you can say that you like it, sure you can justify yourself, BUT DON'T BE MS./MRS./MR. FUCKING HOLIER-THAN-THOU! Tell me what makes the game so good, tell me the graphics rock. WHATEVER! I'm more than willing to have a conversation about it if everyone acts fucking CIVIL. And make sure it's an appropriate subject to be debating! If I come on here and write that my grandmother just died of lung cancer, and yeah, maybe she WAS a smoker, it is NOT the time for you to make comments about how you think it's her own fault or that smoking kills more people than blah, blah, blah. I DON'T FUCKING CARE WHAT YOU THINK. MY GRANDMOTHER JUST DIED!!!** You are SUPPOSED to send your condolences, you are SUPPOSED to say sorry for your loss, and anyone who DOES do those things does NOT deserve to be called an ASS KISS!!! Just because you're a freak with no damn friends doesn't mean that NO ONE has friends. Yeah, NEWS FLASH, it's just YOUR sorry ass! I'm sure that most of you know what I'm talking about, but for those of you who don't, here it is. I'm also pretty sure most of you won't read all of those comments, but the summary of what I'm talking about is that there were a lot of people judging RSM for owning a pit bull, and allowing her children around it. One even went as far as to call her an "idiot". What, REALLY, is wrong with these people? Do they need some pills or something? A few shots of Jack, and MAYBE they'll be normal, civil human beings? She was talking about how they had to give their family pet away, and all some people could do was criticize her and cause DRAMA. I FUCKING HATE DRAMA!!! She definitely didn't need to be hearing about how someones friend's girlfriend's brother's childhood friend and his family were attacked and killed by their pit bull that it was their family pet for years and never hurt a fly, but one day went psycho and killed all six of them, including the Jehovah's Witness that just happened to be at the door. What the fuck people! How come EVERYONE seems to have a "friend" story, but no one can actually say it happened to THEM? I'll tell you something, when I was little, probably 9 or 10, I was attacked by a dog. And guess what??? It WASN'T a pit bull, or a rottweiler, OR a doberman! It was a fucking shaggy mutt that decided my thigh looked like prime rib! That fucker sunk in all it's teeth. I still have scars from it! Oh, and my uncle got bit by my mom's dog. And guess what! He's not a pit bull either! He's a little fucking yappy pomeranian/chihuahua mix! And that little bastard has razors for teeth. Granted, my uncle was totally egging him on, and deserved what he got 100%, there were plenty of times that dog snapped at me when I was just trying to give my mom a hug (fuckin' little attitude bastard!) Anyway, I just had to rant about the stupidity of some people and get that off my chest.
This has been a test of the emotional blogging system. If this had been a real emergency, you would've been instructed to put your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye. Thank you.
*I have NO PROBLEM with WoW, it was JUST AN EXAMPLE!!! Please don't hate me. :(
**Both my grandmothers are alive and well. Thanks for the concern!
Ok, so you like WoW! Great! Good for you! Just because I voice MY opinion on MY blog, doesn't mean you have the right to come out swinging! Sure you can say that you like it, sure you can justify yourself, BUT DON'T BE MS./MRS./MR. FUCKING HOLIER-THAN-THOU! Tell me what makes the game so good, tell me the graphics rock. WHATEVER! I'm more than willing to have a conversation about it if everyone acts fucking CIVIL. And make sure it's an appropriate subject to be debating! If I come on here and write that my grandmother just died of lung cancer, and yeah, maybe she WAS a smoker, it is NOT the time for you to make comments about how you think it's her own fault or that smoking kills more people than blah, blah, blah. I DON'T FUCKING CARE WHAT YOU THINK. MY GRANDMOTHER JUST DIED!!!** You are SUPPOSED to send your condolences, you are SUPPOSED to say sorry for your loss, and anyone who DOES do those things does NOT deserve to be called an ASS KISS!!! Just because you're a freak with no damn friends doesn't mean that NO ONE has friends. Yeah, NEWS FLASH, it's just YOUR sorry ass! I'm sure that most of you know what I'm talking about, but for those of you who don't, here it is. I'm also pretty sure most of you won't read all of those comments, but the summary of what I'm talking about is that there were a lot of people judging RSM for owning a pit bull, and allowing her children around it. One even went as far as to call her an "idiot". What, REALLY, is wrong with these people? Do they need some pills or something? A few shots of Jack, and MAYBE they'll be normal, civil human beings? She was talking about how they had to give their family pet away, and all some people could do was criticize her and cause DRAMA. I FUCKING HATE DRAMA!!! She definitely didn't need to be hearing about how someones friend's girlfriend's brother's childhood friend and his family were attacked and killed by their pit bull that it was their family pet for years and never hurt a fly, but one day went psycho and killed all six of them, including the Jehovah's Witness that just happened to be at the door. What the fuck people! How come EVERYONE seems to have a "friend" story, but no one can actually say it happened to THEM? I'll tell you something, when I was little, probably 9 or 10, I was attacked by a dog. And guess what??? It WASN'T a pit bull, or a rottweiler, OR a doberman! It was a fucking shaggy mutt that decided my thigh looked like prime rib! That fucker sunk in all it's teeth. I still have scars from it! Oh, and my uncle got bit by my mom's dog. And guess what! He's not a pit bull either! He's a little fucking yappy pomeranian/chihuahua mix! And that little bastard has razors for teeth. Granted, my uncle was totally egging him on, and deserved what he got 100%, there were plenty of times that dog snapped at me when I was just trying to give my mom a hug (fuckin' little attitude bastard!) Anyway, I just had to rant about the stupidity of some people and get that off my chest.
This has been a test of the emotional blogging system. If this had been a real emergency, you would've been instructed to put your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye. Thank you.
*I have NO PROBLEM with WoW, it was JUST AN EXAMPLE!!! Please don't hate me. :(
**Both my grandmothers are alive and well. Thanks for the concern!
Like, OMG! How dare you talk bad about WoW?! I'm gona get all my nightelf friends come down there, and we're all gona dance for you all seductive like, and have our warlock friends pull out their sucubus, and you'll be lauled into sleep forever!
Yeah... Now that I got that out of my system. >.> Some people have no respect for anyone. It's rediculous that people have nothing better to do than jump down other peoples throats and yell at them over something so... I don't want to say stupid, because it's not stupid to the poster and their friends, but something that's stupid to argue about.
These kind of people just need to go die in a fire. <.<
Posted by
Sechakecha |
10/17/2006 01:44:00 PM
Oh yeah ~ Nice background by the way. ~.^ I just realized we had the same one, haha.
Posted by
Sechakecha |
10/17/2006 01:47:00 PM
"I'm gona get all my nightelf friends come down there, and we're all gona dance for you all seductive like, and have our warlock friends pull out their sucubus, and you'll be lauled into sleep forever!"
This made me laugh out loud! Excellent!
Posted by
Kait |
10/17/2006 03:27:00 PM
I'm with you about WoW... I'm on Evercrack anyways :p
Posted by
Anonymous |
10/17/2006 09:55:00 PM
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